A foreword by Todani Moyo of Wilderness Foundation Global

November 17, 2020 admin 0

We’re happy to say that Walking Safaris of South Africa will open with a foreword contributed by Todani Moyo, chairman of Wilderness Foundation Global. It’s a beautiful read which echoes a central theme of the book – that getting more people to go out on foot in the African wilderness […]

Walking Safaris Are Back

October 7, 2020 admin 0

In the Western Cape, Sanbona Wildlife Reserve is the latest post-lockdown reopening for big game walking tourism. Since October 1st, the reserve, which is a 3-4 hour drive from Cape Town, has been welcoming guests again. Unlike in the lowveld, where walking is mainly a winter activity, Sanbona’s peak walk […]

A Timely Boost for Walking Tourism

September 8, 2020 admin 0

2020 is an annus horribilis for the travel industry worldwide, and especially damaging for African wildlife tourism. For reserves and parks, the disappearance of visitor income is not just a disaster for businesses and employees, but an existential treat to wildlife and habitats. In South Africa, the mid-August lifting of […]