On Foot Without Fear

December 3, 2020 admin 0

Hlengiwe was invited to write on any topic for the ‘Upfront’ slot in the November 2020 issue of Getaway magazine. The result is an interesting reflection on confronting our fears in big game areas.

A foreword by Todani Moyo of Wilderness Foundation Global

November 17, 2020 admin 0

We’re happy to say that Walking Safaris of South Africa will open with a foreword contributed by Todani Moyo, chairman of Wilderness Foundation Global. It’s a beautiful read which echoes a central theme of the book – that getting more people to go out on foot in the African wilderness […]

Walking Safaris Are Back

October 7, 2020 admin 0

In the Western Cape, Sanbona Wildlife Reserve is the latest post-lockdown reopening for big game walking tourism. Since October 1st, the reserve, which is a 3-4 hour drive from Cape Town, has been welcoming guests again. Unlike in the lowveld, where walking is mainly a winter activity, Sanbona’s peak walk […]

A Timely Boost for Walking Tourism

September 8, 2020 admin 0

2020 is an annus horribilis for the travel industry worldwide, and especially damaging for African wildlife tourism. For reserves and parks, the disappearance of visitor income is not just a disaster for businesses and employees, but an existential treat to wildlife and habitats. In South Africa, the mid-August lifting of […]